A versatile range of discreet, retractable service units to suit every location.
The autumn is approaching and approximately 3 million students across the country are returning to higher education. Universities, always looking to diversify can capitalise on campus space and install outdoor power units to service both hungry food trucks and students!
We are particularly used to seeing food trucks at festivals and concerts but what better place to set up a food truck than a busy college campus. Thousands of malnourished and hungry students will pass through the campus outdoor areas every single day, several times a day.
College campuses need to satisfy their current students and on open days attract new ones. According to recent studies, students are in fact busier than ever. Providing food trucks on site can offer both convenience and nutrition. As our universities concentrate on diversity, food trucks provide a new flexibility. They can offer many different types of food, which cater for differing tastes and cultures. Many students require gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan and even paleo food choices. Providing an area for food trucks is a less complicated and inexpensive way to introduce such variety into university life.
By expanding the traditional dining hall and offering more choice to students, on hand and accessible food, each university can also keep the money on site which in turn enables them to fund other student activities. In order to operate a food area, an outdoor power source is needed. Pop Up Power Supplies offer power units that provide a safe, secure and silent source of electricity. Instead of running power cables across walkways the campus can have retractable power units that can be easily raised and lowered when required.
Pop Up Power Supplies have a range of service units that are suitable for such areas. There are three main units in the range – pop up units, power bollards and in-ground, all of which provide a range of outdoor power. Each unit is available with a range of configurations, as well as bespoke in-ground power units or pop up units with recessed tops that can
accommodate different forms of surface material such as paving, grass and unusual materials. The retractable units are space saving and mitigate the need for generators, which are polluting, noisey and unsuitable for areas with many students and visitors. Pop Up Power Units provide an outdoor power supply for many universities throughout the UK.
To discuss our range of electrical Pop Up Power Supplies®, please contact us or call 020 8227 0208.
Photo by Zhanhui Li on Unsplash