A versatile range of discreet, retractable service units to suit every location.
Since around 2010 the trend for food trucks has continued to grow. They are innovative, mobile and importantly have low operational costs. Many sports fans expect big things from their local stadiums, food and beverage trucks could add a valuable income stream.
Premier League fans alone will spend £1.3 billion this season in order to follow their team and almost £2000 on travel, merchandise, tickets and in-stadium food and drinks.
Installing a permanent concession for food and drink is an expensive project. Introducing a variety of foods will cater for many different tastes, cultures, budgets and dietary requirements without a huge and permanent investment.
Mobile vendors are a perfect and flexible introduction to your stadium grounds. Able to be diverse and cater to large crowds of people whilst keeping the revenue inside the stadium. You can offer excitement and even add variety with themed events and changes of menu depending on the match and season.
In order to operate a food area, an outdoor power source is needed. Pop Up Power Supplies offer power units that provide a safe, secure and silent source of electricity. Instead of running power cables across walkways the stadium grounds can have retractable power units that can be easily raised and lowered when required.
Pop Up Power Supplies have a range of service units that are suitable for such outdoor areas. There are three main units in the range – pop up units, power bollards and in-ground, all of which provide a range of outdoor power. Each unit is available with a range of configurations, as well as bespoke in-ground power units or pop up units with recessed tops that can accommodate different forms of surface material such as paving, grass and unusual materials to match your surroundings.
The retractable units are space saving and mitigate the need for generators, which are polluting, noisey and unsuitable for areas with many students and visitors.
Pop Up Power Units provide an outdoor power supply for many sports stadiums throughout the UK.
To discuss our range of electrical Pop Up Power Supplies®, please contact us or call 020 8227 0208.
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash