A versatile range of discreet, retractable service units to suit every location.
As a nation, in fact as a world, we have grown to depend upon electricity. It powers many of our essential daily activities, in fact what on earth would we do if we couldn’t simply power our mobile phones?!
Electricity has revolutionised our lives, it's helped us work more effectively, stay healthier, and have life at our fingertips day or night. The ‘city that never sleeps’ has electricity to thank! Electric power is responsible for a cleaner, greener and more sustainable future. As previously discussed, our electricity demands are set to increase by approximately 50% by 2036. Scientists and researchers are continually finding ways to provide electricity, to meet our increasing demands and to do so in an increasingly affordable way. Many innovations are impressive - here in the UK the world’s first solar powered railway track opened in Hampshire in August 2019.
The railway industry is currently one of the most sustainable ways to travel however the delays, cancellations, high ticket prices all send us scurrying back to our cars, soon to be electric ones! But if we intend to be truly sustainable maybe we need to change our thinking. Solar powered trains are electric vehicles that work by placing photovoltaic panels close to the rail track or on the roof, this in turn can generate enough electricity to be distributed to the grid. Currently the grids are reaching capacity. It is thought that this model could soon be successfully implemented on the London Underground where up to 6% of the energy demand would be provided by solar power. Potentially solar PV panels could be attached to railway sleepers up and down the country. A British renewables financial investor called Bankset Group is working on a project that is set to deliver the largest solar installation in the world. If this proves successful the technology will without doubt be a game changer. Italian company Greenrail is also one to watch, thanks to its range of solar-powered sleepers. These incorporate photovoltaic panels and contribute to a circular economy as they are made from recycled materials.
Trains are without doubt our most efficient mode of transport, they currently make up just 3% of global transport energy use. Already 75% of our trains are electrified so with just a small push and minimal investment this is a future candidate for our clean energy future, imperative and inevitable. The light at the end of the tunnel may in fact start with our railways.
To discuss our range of electrical Pop Up Power Supplies®, please contact us or call 020 8227 0208.